当前热文:在线塔罗牌占卜爱情 塔罗牌在线占卜免费测试爱情
2023-06-21 22:07:34 互联网

Have you ever encountered in an argument with your lover with no one to turn to? Or ever found yourself struggling with the decision that you have to make between two choices? Or possibly it is the game of fate you yearn for in the arena of love? No matter how many wonderings there are for the unknown, Tarot card reading can be the answer for them.



Tarot card reading is an ancient practice that uses a set of special cards to gain insight into the present, past and future outcomes over a number of possible scenarios in love. Each card may have its own interpretations and its own special meanings in relation to various scenarios. It can take a form of deep reflection, thought and the conjunction of insights to lead to the proper objective understanding of the situation.


Tarot cards have been around since the 15th century, and have been a constant presence in Europe ever since. They were initially used in Italy as early as 1450, and then spread throughout Europe. Tarot card readings taken on by professional soothsayers and mystics ranged from fortune-telling to giving advice on love and financial matters.


Nowadays, with the popularization of the internet and the advancement of technologies, Tarot cards reading can be done over the Internet with no trouble. There are a few advantages for this form of reading. Firstly, there is more convenience and flexibility of not needing to find a physical reader in your vicinity. Secondly, the cost is generally cheaper compared to engaging with a physical reader. Moreover, with correct understanding, one can make use of the readings to improve their spiritual wellbeing and their life in the long run.





1. 组卦法:占卜者可以使用3种塔罗牌的组卦法,分别是三爻组卦法、八爻卜法和八宫组卦法。每种组卦法有其特定规则,三爻用来占卜当前情况,八爻用来占卜未来发展趋势,八宫用来更全面地判断当前时期爱情及发展趋势。

2. 卜卦解释:组卦完毕后,接下来就要对最终结果进行解释。这一部分由有经验的占卜人员来进行卜卦的诠释,考虑到这涉及到文字表述技巧、历史背景等多方面的知识,所以解释应具有准确性。普通的占卜者可以调用大量的在线资源,来熟悉每一张塔罗牌的正义解释。

3. 卜得结果:最后,根据组卦及解释结果,综合考虑,给出有关爱情的预测结果,包括将来发展的趋势,可能出现的情况,以及可以采取的措施等。根据解释的程度不同,将可能产生的结果随机的安排,同时根据每次占卜的内容修改组卦,以便得到一个准确的结果。


1. 提高占卜的准确性:在线占罗牌占卜爱情,可通过网络技术提高占卜的准确程度,减少主观看法,从而得出更加准确的结果,帮助每个占卜者判断当前爱情运势。

2. 缩短占卜时间:在线塔罗牌占卜爱情,可以缩短占卜时间,有效提高工作效率。在线占卜尽可能少地打扰占卜者,并最大限度地减少无用功。利用网络传递信息,有时可以节省许多时间。

3. 提高客观公正性:在线塔罗牌占卜爱情,可以提高客观公正性,比如说,可以统计每一次占卜的结果,对比分析,进而帮助占卜者发现未来发展的趋势。此种方式可以帮助把握未来以正确的态度和准备来面对出现的情况。





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